"K.M.I. Legal" Law firm was founded in 2008. Historically, we have developed as a company that provides comprehensive legal support and business protection.

Our team is highly qualified lawyers with extensive knowledge of national law, international private and public law. We will help to effectively resolve any disputes related to business and business activities. At your disposal are many years of practical and theoretical experience of our team, which acts as a guarantee of the high quality of legal services provided..

Our team consists of specialists who have received many years of experience as legal advisers in the large domestic and international companies, as well as employees of the financial and banking sector. We speak English fluently and regularly work with documents subject to the law of foreign jurisdictions.

Our professional experience and a deep understanding of the specifics of various business sectors, allows us to consistently find ways to resolve the most complex legal issues and win in the least promising litigation.


We objectively assess the situation and never promise the impossible to Clients.

Full analysis of the situation

Providing Clients the complete situation analysis for decision making


Strict confidentiality